Friday, January 21, 2005

Strange things happen....

Ashok always tells this 'fact': "I dont do anywork seriously unless the deadline is near". Is it the way most of us operate!?

It was a very bad day to start with.. Some communal protest happened. On my way to work, i saw buses lined up in a queue with pieces of broken glasses all over.. It was like school kids standing in a Q with a uniform.. How good/bad the analogy!? It got worse as i came near my office.. Scores of policemen all around the place.. What the hell is going on? I wasnt expecting any mail asking me to work on something: Arvind had said all of it yesterday in the call... But, as always, when you least expect something, thats when something shows up... Mail from Suman: These are the files you have to prepare and these are the testing you have to do and we want it done by today... Boss! Whats this? Whats happening!? I cant complain, can I? Have to obey.. So i started doing something which i really didnt wanna do... As i was doing it, there came the mail from HR: "Protest may get even ugly in the evening.. Already many parts of the city are blocked.. Please plan to go home early today" What a nice mail on a Friday afternoon!? What else can you expect? But, what abt the deadline? Arvind would kill me if i dont do it... Already there were other 'boring' stuff which I had been postponing all these days and i dont wanna add one more to the list...

Thats it. My mind is made up.. Whether i like it or not, "I" have to do it.. So somehow, i pull all my energy and start working.. One thing, i noticed with me is its always the "starting problem" that troubles me.. Once i start, i do continue till : a)its over.... b)have reached a point from which i have no clue on what to do next...So i never noticed the time turning into 8 PM and bravo: the whole day i didnt chat a single word... Time for me to call arvind... I have some update for him atleast.. he asks about all the pending stuff and i tell him: Yeah, arvind. I know..anyway am gonna come the next 2 days, thought its a weekend.. so shall complete it...

I dont know.. I got the "josh" tonight and since talking to him, i have been sitting before the comp... Now its like 3 AM and still the enthu is there.. The thing is someone else had occupied the server when i had my sandwich break at 2 AM and i am not able to connect :(.. So, where do i hide this "josh" guy whos there inside me, huh!? If i am this guy all the time, there wont be any complaints in life and there wont be any posts like the previous one!!!!



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